Page 8 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 8 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 8

Environmental sustainability update

              Rachel Ward, Environmental & Sustainability Manager

              We have been working hard over the past year to meet our net zero

              target by 2040. Some of the highlights include:

              ENERGY                              Last year 50 students from seven   DEVELOPMENT
                                                  primary schools took part. We will
              Following a competitive application,    be assigned a school to support in   We are working closely with our building
              the RVC was awarded a grant of      delivering their projects. The scheme    contractors, to deliver community
              £2.8 million from the Public Sector   is run by the Camden Climate     projects including:
              Decarbonisation Fund. This will replace   Alliance and Knowledge Quarter.  ֱ   Carrier bag collection for local
              end of life gas boilers in eight buildings                                food banks
              with air source heat pumps which will   GREEN IMPACT
              reduce our carbon footprint by                                         ֱ   Student/staff event to build
              565 tonnes per annum.               We took part in a staff awareness     hedgehog houses
                                                  campaign called Green Impact.
              Through the Mayorֱs Retrofit Accelerator   This is a United Nations award-winning   ֱ   Using leftover building materials
              scheme, we are investigating renewable   programme, designed to support   to make bird boxes for the RVC
              energy options and energy reductions.   environmentally and socially sustainable   ֱ   Pet food collection
              We are developing the carbon profile   practice within organisations.
              required to meet net zero by 2040                                      ֱ   Donation of wildflower seeds
              and predicted associated costs.     This can mean anything from        ֱ   Donation of first aid boxes
                                                  communicating recycling systems,
              Initial assessments have been       to committing to go fairtrade;     ֱ   Promotion of an Animal Care Trust
              undertaken for photovoltaics        from supporting team health and       raffle among on-site contractors
              to be installed on rooftops and     wellbeing campaigns, to working       and subcontractors
              an agri-solar system.
                                                  towards carbon neutrality.

                                                  As part of Green Impact, students    SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE
                                                  attend Institute of Environmental
                                                  Management and Assessment          The Environmental Sustainability
                                                  approved auditor training. This provided   Committee consists of representatives
                                                  work experience for 11 students.   from across the organisation. The
                                                                                     aim of the group is to deliver the
                                                  12 teams from across the RVC took part   Environmental Strategy. Some of the
                                                  in the scheme ֱFrom labs to librariesֱ.   highlights over the past year include:
                                                  Over 400 sustainability actions were
                                                  completed as part of the campaign   ֱ   Old x-rays have been recycled.
              Over 1,500 people visited Boltons                                         The x-rays have been processed
              Park Farm for Open Farm Sunday.     STUDENT SWITCH OFF                    to recover silver, recycle PET
              The theme of the 2024 event was     We ran our student engagement campaign   and paper elements of the film.
              ֱNatureֱ. An awareness stall was held    called ֱStudent Switch Offֱ. This is a   Records are securely destroyed
              to plant wildflowers with children   friendly competition between our residence   by granulation before processing.
              and give information on biodiversity at   to see who can be the most sustainable.   ֱ   Six rooms of old clinical patient files
              the farm to visitors.               The competition was based on our key   that has passed the seven-year
              The RVC is sponsoring a ֱGreen      engagement statistics, as a percentage   deadline have been sent for secure
              Dragonֱs Denֱ. Primary schools      of residents from each residence. College   shredding and recycling.
              in Camden have been invited to      Grove won this year. In addition, the RVC   Around 38 tonnes of paper
              pitch their climate ideas and receive    topped two national leaderboards.   records will be recycled into
              a grant to help fund their project.                                       toilet paper.

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