Page 12 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 12 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 12

Award winners galore

                      ur veterinary nurses
                      consistently demonstrate    THE JAMES BEE STUDENT
                      excellence, commitment and   CHOICE AWARDS
              Oexceptional service delivery,      The James Bee Student Choice Awards
              in both our clinical and teaching   for teaching and support staff are an
              settings. This year, RVNs from across   important way for the student voice to
              the RVC have been recognised by     be heard and to celebrate excellence in
              several prestigious platforms and these   our RVC community. Each year, these
              accolades not only underscore our   awards recognise RVC staff who excel
              commitment to excellence but also   in providing an excellent student learning
              highlight the multifaceted talents and   experience, whether in the classroom or   Christina said of her award: ֱI am deeply
              dedication of our VNs.              as part of our student support services.  honoured and humbled to receive the
                                                                                     James Bee Award for the Teacher Who
                                                                                     Went the Extra Mile. This recognition
                THE FELINE LIFETIME                                                  means the world to me, as it comes
                ACHIEVEMENT AWARD                                                    directly from my neurodivergent students,
                FROM THE RVC BLOOD                                                   whose growth and happiness because of
                DONOR PROGRAMME ֱ                                                    our support at the RVCֱs Clinical Skills
                Catherine Kendall                                                    Centre, inspires me every day. Thank
                                                                                     you for appreciating me as part of your
                RVC alumni and Teaching Fellow                                       educational journey.ֱ
                with the School of Veterinary
                Nursing, Catherine Kendall, was
                crowned with The Feline Lifetime
                Achievement Award from the RVC    Evie Yon
                Blood Donor Programme             Alumni and Senior Teaching Fellow in   BSAVA RAY BUTCHER AWARD ֱ
                                                                                     Charlotte Russo
                                                  Veterinary Nursing within the School of
                Catherine has been an exemplary                                      The QMHAֱs Charlotte Russo, Senior
                participant in the Blood Donor    Veterinary Nursing, Evie Yon won the   Blood Transfusion Nurse, received
                Programme since 2007. Catherine   2024 RVC James Bee Student Choice   the BSAVA Ray Butcher Award as an
                has involved six cats and five dogs   Outstanding Teacher Award. This is for   ֱunsung heroֱ who has been making a
                in the programme, collectively    educators who are passionate about   significant contribution to animal welfare
                making over 114 donations and     their subject and makes it exciting.   in the community. Over the last decade,
                helping approximately 150 animals   Evie told us: ֱI was absolutely delighted   Charlotte has been able to follow her
                in need.                          to be awarded the James Bee Student   passion in transfusion medicine and has
                                                  Choice Award for Outstanding Teaching.   strong interests in blood donor welfare.
                                                  Itֱs wonderful to be recognised in this   This award is in memory of Ray Butcher,
                                                  way and the students who nominated   BSAVA President from 1993 to 1994.
                                                  me canֱt know how much it means to
                                                  me, so thank you! Iֱm lucky that I get to
                                                  teach such fantastic students alongside
                                                  a brilliant team, and I will continue to
                                                  dedicate myself to my teaching with an
                                                  added ounce of confidence and pride.ֱ

                                                  Christina Maden
                                                  Christina Madden, Teaching Fellow in
                                                  Clinical Skills and Clinical Educator from
                                                  the Clinical Skills Centre, RVC won the
                                                  2024 James Bee ֱExtra Mileֱ Award.
                                                  By going the extra mile, Christina has
                                                  been recognised for enhancing the RVC
                                                  student experience.

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