Page 4 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 4 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 4

President & Principalֱs Welcome

                                It is with mixed   will be refurbished, and LBIC
                                emotions          will have clients in our new
                                that I write      incubator labs by the canal.
                                this welcome      In addition, we will have made     Contents
                                message,          modest changes to how we
                                my final           present ourselves to the
                                contribution      outside world.
                                to Eclipse                                           Graduation 2024            2
                                Magazine,         All these projects and initiatives
                                as I will be      are team efforts, and it has been a   President & Principalֱs    4
              stepping down as President &        privilege and a pleasure to be part of
              Principal of the RVC at the end     the RVC team. It will be up to others   General News          6
              of this academic year, to take up    to decide the future direction of the   Clinical News        19
              the position of CEO at AAVMC.       RVC, but all our current projects are
              Initially appointed for five years in   in the capable hands of my senior   RVC Honours            22
              2010, I now find myself 14 years     colleagues, ensuring a steady course
              into what has undoubtedly been the   for some time yet.                Research News              23
              happiest and most productive period                                    Student News               26
              of my professional career. While    For now, it is time to celebrate
              there is never a perfect time to step   the significant events and      RVC Clothing and Gifts     34
              aside, a combination of institutional   achievements of the past       Movers and Shakers         36
              priorities, personal opportunities, and   academic year, highlighted in this
              a desire not to overstay my welcome   magazine. I am immensely grateful   Classnotes              43
              has led me to conclude that the time   for the opportunity to have served   Reunions              52
              is right. Working here has been a joy,   as President & Principal and thank
              and it has been an absolute privilege   you for your loyalty and support   Supporting the RVC     55
              to lead the QS-ranked number one    in pursuit of our mission. Rest    Community                  60
              vet school!                         assured, the RVC will continue
                                                  to have my full commitment and     In Memoriam                62
              The RVC is in excellent shape.      focus until my final day, as we
              By next August, we will have        strive to make a good thing even   CPD                        66
              completed two accreditation visits   better. The RVC will always be
              and two dry runs, ahead of another   a part of my life, and Eclipse
              two accreditation visits scheduled   magazine will always have a
              for November 2025. We will          place on my coffee table!
              also have finished major building
              projects on both campuses and
              have clear plans for new clinical
              facilities at Hawkshead. Our student
              accommodation in Camden

                                                                                     Cover story: Read about the RVC
                                                                                     study into movement and gaits
                                                                                     of hippopotamuses on page 24.

                                                                                     Hippo running with a group of Wildebeest,
                                                                                     Tanzania. Cover credit: Barbara Yuste Zambrano
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