Page 14 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 14
Exceptional Veterinary Nursing
Blood transfusion
team featured on role models
BBC Newsround
ur amazing blood ur VN alumni and VN teams Ilaria Vercesi & Lyn OֱByrne
transfusion team featured work together to engage Efficacy of silver-coated urinary
on BBC Newsround in a range of public catheters for reducing urinary tract
Oin October 2023 to Oengagement activities infection in dogs
showcase the fantastic work and disseminate knowledge, to The Veterinary Nurse. (2023)
of the Blood Transfusion Service. showcase some of the ways VNs can
be involved in the community and Lowrie Hamilton &
With behind-the-scenes footage professional development. Sarah Batt-Williams
of the QMHA, the team showcased
how our cat and dog superheroes Airway management preferences
make donations that are vital for Alumni published work and barriers to endotracheal
emergency treatments and help Read more about how RVC RVNs have intubation in elective feline neutering
animals after surgery and for been role models for the profession: procedures Part 1: a literature review
those with chronic diseases. Veterinary Nursing Journal. 38, 1, 36-39 (2023)
Hayley Ayers Airway management preferences and
Carrying out more than 700
blood transfusions annually, Anaesthesia in exotics part 2: barriers to endotracheal intubation in
the VN blood transfusion birds elective feline neutering procedures
team is a vital part of the The Veterinary Nurse. 15, 4. (2024) Part 2: an investigation
hospitalֱs operation. Anaesthesia in exotics part 1: Veterinary Nursing Journal. 38, 1, 40-49 (2023)
small mammals Lyuben Iliev Dzhugdanov &
The Veterinary Nurse. 15, 2. (2024) Hilary Orpet
Think your cat or dog Do ֱCAREֱ labelled canine patients
could become an Anne-Marie McGivern & Perdi Welsh get a lower standard of nursing care?
RVC Blood Donor Tail docking: a professional dilemma The Veterinary Nurseֱ. 14, 4, 186-194 (2023)
Superhero? for veterinary nurses The Veterinary Nurse. 15, 6 (2024) Ilaria Vercesi & Perdi Welsh
pet-blood- Leading organisational change
donor-socials Krishna Mistry & Evelyn OֱByrne in the workplace: a review of
Nursing a patient with feline the literature
urethral obstruction The Veterinary Nurse 14, 6, 262-265 (2023)
The Veterinary Nurse. 15, 6, 5- 42. (2024)
Flora Foxx & Hilary Orpet
The need for recovery:
An investigation into short-term
work-related fatigue in
veterinary nurses
Veterinary Record: 194. 10, 1-16, (2024)
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