Please note that the Advice Centre does not provide crisis support or out of hours support. We offer appointments as quickly as we can to students who book an appointment with our team, but there is generally a waiting time to see us.   

If you need urgent mental health support:    

  • Contact your GP surgery to request an emergency appointment (some GP surgeries are currently offering phone appointments only)    If your GP surgery is not open, call the free NHS medical line on 111 for help accessing the right services 
  • You can call the  on 116 123 to talk to someone at any time, day or night, 24/7
  • You can call  independent, confidential and free help for everyone in the veterinary community including veterinary nurses and students. Their charity provides a 24/7 phone and email helpline including professional mental health support on 0303 040 2551     
  • You can text  on 85258
  • You can download the , an app for those at risk of suicide and those worried about someone    
  • You can contact the  for face to face support and online and telephone support     
  • You can call  – Prevention of young suicide (Under 35) on 0800 068 4141     
  • In Camden?  You can text or call , they are able to offer 30 minute daily text or call support.

If you’re having thoughts about wanting to die, it’s important you tell someone.

Help and support is available from a range of free services and helplines who can help you right now. There is no right or wrong way to talk about suicidal feelings – starting the conversation is what is important.  Explore our  to learn more about the resources available including  and a link to join  which is a safe and anonymous community to support your mental health 24/7, trained professionals are available to support peer to peer conversations.

Emergency support

If you feel like you cannot keep yourself safe and you are in immediate danger of harming yourself or attempting to take your life:       

Go to the closest  (A&E Department)

  • The nearest A&E department for Camden is University College London Hospital Accident and Emergency Ground Floor, 235 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BU
  • The nearest A&E department for Hawkshead is Barnet Hospital, Wellhouse Lane, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 3DJ    
  • Call 999 to request an ambulance if you cannot go to the hospital yourself

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