Page 9 - Learning Teaching Assessment and Student Experience Strategy







Page 9 - Learning Teaching Assessment and Student Experience Strategy
P. 9



                        To achieve our aims the RVC must              Specifi c initatives:                             Create a programme of activities to sup-
                        have                                           In partnership with our students, develop      port studentsֱ transitions from university to
                                                                         a policy to outline expectations regarding    employment or further learning
                        Students who are:                                student engagement, attendance and            Development and mastery of skills will be

                         Engaged                                        group work.                                   integral to all courses. The acquisition of
                          Responsible for their own                    Develop and integrate in all courses peer-    and refl ection on a wide range of profes-
                          education and experiences                      to-peer teaching and evaluation.              sional and personal skills will be neces-
                          Respectful of and willing to learn from      Encourage and reward involvement of           sary to progress through and thrive in our
                          peers                                          students from senior years in teaching of     courses of study.
                          Not afraid of failure                         lower years.                                  Review our methods of student selection
                          Willing to disagree well                     Expect all staff and students to respect      to maximise studentsֱ likelihood of
                         Consulted                                      the right to freedom of speech, while         success while at the RVC and in their
                         Open-minded                                    exercising tolerance and understanding in     subsequent careers.
                          Culturally competent                          interactions with those with whom they may
                          Sought out by employers                       disagree.
                         Skilled                                       Diversify mechanisms for capturing student
                                                                         feedback and fi nd new ways to illustrate
                                                                         and communicate the RVC response to         Related Strategies include:
                                                                         that feedback.                                  Student Voice Strategy
                                                                        Increase the involvement of students in the    EDI strategy
                                                                         development of the courses on which they        International Strategy
                                                                         study.                                       Blended Learning Strategy

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