Page 9 - Learning Teaching Assessment and Student Experience Strategy
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To achieve our aims the RVC must Specifi c initatives: Create a programme of activities to sup-
have In partnership with our students, develop port studentsֱ transitions from university to
a policy to outline expectations regarding employment or further learning
Students who are: student engagement, attendance and Development and mastery of skills will be
Engaged group work. integral to all courses. The acquisition of
Responsible for their own Develop and integrate in all courses peer- and refl ection on a wide range of profes-
education and experiences to-peer teaching and evaluation. sional and personal skills will be neces-
Respectful of and willing to learn from Encourage and reward involvement of sary to progress through and thrive in our
peers students from senior years in teaching of courses of study.
Not afraid of failure lower years. Review our methods of student selection
Willing to disagree well Expect all staff and students to respect to maximise studentsֱ likelihood of
Consulted the right to freedom of speech, while success while at the RVC and in their
Open-minded exercising tolerance and understanding in subsequent careers.
Culturally competent interactions with those with whom they may
Sought out by employers disagree.
Skilled Diversify mechanisms for capturing student
feedback and fi nd new ways to illustrate
and communicate the RVC response to Related Strategies include:
that feedback. Student Voice Strategy
Increase the involvement of students in the EDI strategy
development of the courses on which they International Strategy
study. Blended Learning Strategy