Page 8 - Learning Teaching Assessment and Student Experience Strategy
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To achieve our aims the RVC must Specifi c initatives: Set and consistently meet challenging
have: Undertake a consultation on the RVC targets in our Access and Participation
Charter and the college values to reaf- Plan.
A Community that is: fi rm and renew them. The outcome of Adopt a whole university approach to
Tolerant this should be a set of shared values mental health and achieve the University
Supportive that underpin a student learning con- Mental Health Charter Award.
Collaborative tract and staff professional behaviours. Implement the ֱCreating A Safe and
Environmentally sustainable Review academic support; we will Respectful Communityֱ Action Plan to
International develop new processes, training, and promote respect and increase
Diverse sources of information to support the community cohesion.
Inclusive tutorial process to improve the support Understand the different needs of our
Cohesive that they provide. home and international student
Environmental sustainability will become communities and develop targeted
a consideration in all college activities. support to improve student satisfaction.
We must strive as a community to
minimise our negative environmental
impact and achieve net zero by 2040.
We will embed the principles of Related Strategies include:
Educational Sustainable Development in Environmental Strategy
curricular review and developments in EDI strategy
the area of student experience. International Strategy
Environmental Sustainability Strategy