Page 16 - ACT Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2023
P. 16
Prepare your tortoise
for hibernation
The British climate can be too Make sure their bowels Prepare the hibernation area
cold for some breeds of tortoise and bladder are ready If using a double hibernation box,
in the winter. The Hermanns, Before hibernation, stop feeding your make sure itÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s rodent-proof. A large
Spur-thighed and Horsfield tortoise (the length of time for this wooden box like a tea chest with small
tortoises may need to hibernate will depend on their size). During air holes can be a good option. Cover
if they are healthy. As hibernation this time, keep your tortoise warm the holes with wire mesh to prevent
season approaches, Dr Joanna so digestion can continue. Tortoises vermin from entering but allow the air
Hedley Senior Lecturer in Exotic need to have a fluid reservoir during to circulate. Put your tortoise in an
Species at the RVC shares her hibernation, so bathe them every inner box with air holes. Both boxes
pre-hibernation top tips.
other day in the pre-hibernation should be insulated, for example, with
period so they have a full bladder. newspaper or dry leaves. Place the
Get a pre-hibernation smaller box inside the bigger one,
vet check Slowly reduce their making sure you can easily open it for
ItÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s important to confirm your tortoise temperature check-ups.
has no underlying illnesses before If using a fridge, temperatures inside
they enter hibernation. A faecal Aim for 5°C reductions in their body can vary with higher shelves being
sample may be taken to check they temperature per week. You could warmer. Use a thermal probe or
are healthy enough to hibernate achieve this by allowing them to max/min thermometer to help you
and do not have an excessively spend more time outside, in an to achieve the correct hibernation
high parasite burden. outhouse or cold frame. Bring your
tortoise inside overnight and donÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™t temperature of 5°C. To ventilate, open
provide a basking site. Once their the door daily for about 30 seconds.
body temperature is around 13°C Place a bowl of water in the bottom of
they will be ready for hibernation. the fridge so the air doesnÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™t dry out.
Looking after your
hibernating tortoise
Maintaining a consistent hibernation
temperature is key. Below freezing
can result in your tortoise losing their
eyesight or even their life. Too warm
and theyÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™ll stay too active and use up
their much-needed fat, glycogen and
starch supplies. For more advice
on how to safely hibernate
your tortoise, please visit