Page 13 - ACT Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2023
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You, our wonderful community of supporters, are amazing!
Despite challenging times, your fundraising ideas and stories continue
to inspire us. Every penny raised helps us improve the treatment and
care of critically ill animals. Thank you.
A special ever done in my 43 years of living,
but the crowd was unreal!ֱ
Barbara ran both races just three CONTACT US
day for you, weeks apart in memory of her dog There are lots of ways
from us Cherry and is continuing to fundraise to get involved with the
for us in unique and thoughtful ways.
Marrying earlier this year, she kindly
asked guests to donate to us rather RVC Animal Care Trust.
than giving gifts. From joining fundraising
You can still run for us and help events (or starting your
more pets return home by joining our own!) to becoming an
London Landmarks Half Marathon
team or through your own place. RVC Patron. You can also
We offer our runners a supportive receive monthly updates
community, so you'll feel confident, in our Paws & Hooves
inspired and ready to enjoy the day.
At our Supporter Day in April we had Bitesize email when you
the privilege of meeting some of our Nora
amazing supporters. We loved sharing join our mailing list.
how you are making a real difference
to the lives of critically ill pets. Student Three ways to
Ambassadors led small groups on
exclusive tours of the RVC Small connect with us:
Animal Referrals Hospital, revealing 1 Phone: 01707 666237
what happens behind the scenes at
one of the largest veterinary hospitals 2 Email:
in the world. If you would like to join 3 Online:
us next Spring for a tour of the RVC
Equine Hospital, please register your
interest. We hope to see you next year! Barbara
Who would
you run for?
We are lucky to have dedicated
supporters who run the London
Marathon and the London Landmarks
Half Marathon for us. Our 2023 teams Joe
achieved something truly epic, raising
over £12,000.
RVC student Nora revealed that she
almost cried when she saw the last
few miles ticking down. It was knowing
that she was running for us that
kept her going. And Joe, who ran in
memory of his beloved dog Phoebe
told us ֱIt was the toughest thing Iֱve
P&H AUTUMN 2023 13