Page 52 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 52 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 52


              RVC Class of 1974 50-year reunion

              John Wakely, BVetMed 1974

            18                                    college days. We were shown pictures   medicine and surgery comparing
                        septuagenarians, all male
                                                  of how RVC has changed over the
                                                                                     more than favourably to many human
                        and mostly retired, arrived
                                                  years right up to the present day. She
                        at Hawkshead on Saturday,
                                                                                     hospitals. We were perhaps envious
                        grateful that they were still
                                                  fads of 1974 ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥“ is it really that long since
              able to celebrate a half century since   reminded us of some of the events and   of some of the new toys available but
                                                                                     wondered whether there might be too
              qualifying as veterinary surgeons. This   the last episode of Monty Python?  much of a reliance on technology which
              represents almost 40% of those of the   This was followed by a delicious buffet   might not always be available in general
              year group still alive, several having   lunch. If this is normal student fare, they   practice. It was fascinating to learn of the
              fallen by the wayside. A few are living   are indeed fortunate. The choice was   experiences of the current students and
              on different continents, some have   limited in the old refectory in Hawkshead   hope that there wasnÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™t too much of the
              medical problems which prevented their   House but in those days they sold milk   ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥˜In our dayÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™.
              attendance and others were unable   from Boltons Park for a few pence a pint   We are extremely grateful to Vicki,
              to be contacted. Most of us were    which helped to eke out a maintenance   Charlotte and rest of the Alumni staff,
              accompanied by very tolerant partners.
                                                  grant. Over lunch we indulged in a great   clinicians and students for enabling
              We have had several reunions over the   deal of reminiscence and story-telling.   the day to take place, showing us
              years but some of us had not seen each   There was nowhere near enough time    around and for giving up their time on a
              other for the full 50 years and although   to catch up with everyone. It was   Saturday. You did us proud.
              name badges help in recognition, voices   intriguing to note that the absence of   Most of us enjoyed an evening dinner at
              donÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™t change and conversation flowed,   male urinals reflected the change in the   the Comet Hotel, a few miles up the A1.
              reflecting a comfortable familiarity.   gender ratio of students!
                                                                                     There may be some diminution of hearing
              We were treated like VIPs (which    In the afternoon we were shown     and eyesight, but the company and
              indeed we are). Professor Imelda    around the QMHA hospital and some   conversation were first rate and we had
              McGonnell, Vice Principal (Students)   of the other on-site facilities. Wow!   a great evening.
              gave us an amusing and instructive   We have seen the introduction of new   It was an unforgettable day. I am
              introductory talk in the impressive new   technologies during our careers, but   immensely proud of my profession,
              nurses lecture theatre which is a world   RVC really does represent the   RVC and the achievements of the
              apart from the spartan rooms of our   cutting edge, the delivery of complex
                                                                                     class of ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™74.

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