Page 50 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 50
Championing animal policy
in Washington, DC:
A veterinarianֱs perspective
Dr Legend Thurman (BVetMed 2023)
s a veterinarian, my passion for WHY WASHINGTON, DC?
animal policy is deeply rooted Washington, DC is an ideal place to
in the belief that animal health, advocate for animal policy. The city is
Awelfare, and agriculture are not only the epicentre of federal
interconnected pillars that shape the legislative activity in the US but also
wellbeing of both animals and society. a hub for various advocacy groups,
Having worked extensively in organised trade associations, and nonprofit
medicine and policy, I now find myself organisations focussed on animal
at the intersection of these areas as issues. By engaging in policy efforts in
I continue to advocate for sound animal the nationֱs capital, I can contribute to
policies in Washington, DC. Serving initiatives that have local, national, and
as the Chair of the Legislative Working even global impacts. By engaging in
Group for the District of Columbia leadership in the DC Veterinary Medical
Veterinary Medical Association has Associationֱs Legislative Working Group,
further fuelled this drive, giving me a as well as working alongside
platform to contribute to meaningful the American Veterinary Medical
legislative progress that supports Association, I have had the privilege of
animals, pet owners, and veterinarians collaborating with policymakers to shape
alike, alongside other established animal-related legislation.
professionals in the field. Whether it is advocating for pet-friendly
housing policies, addressing the needs
THE ROLE OF VETERINARY of working animals, or promoting public
EXPERTISE IN POLICY example, in 2024 down in the district, we health through responsible pet ownership,
Veterinarians are uniquely positioned have been contributing to discussions the work we do in Washington, DC sets an
to bridge the gap between animal surrounding the regulation of xylazine, important precedent for how animals are
welfare and public policy. We possess the Healthy Dog Importation Act, the treated across the country. However, this
the scientific knowledge to inform importance of an established VCPR for work needs completed on every level from
decisions about animal health, the telemedicine, and viewpoints on cosmetic local to state to federal and international
practical experience to understand the procedures, just to name a few. levels, so maybe ask yourself, where you
daily challenges faced by pet owners can get started today?
and farmers, and the advocacy skills BALANCING AGRICULTURE
to influence legislation that impacts AND ANIMAL WELFARE LOOKING FORWARD
animals and the industries that support I am passionate about advancing As I continue my journey in animal policy,
them. From public health initiatives policies that benefit both animal welfare I am committed to promoting laws that
involving zoonotic diseases to the and agriculture. The two are often seen as protect animals, support veterinarians,
ethics surrounding animal cruelty being at odds, but in my experience, and strengthen agriculture. The future
laws, veterinary perspectives are they are deeply intertwined. of animal policy is bright, and I
essential in shaping bills that protect Sustainable farming practices, am excited to be at the forefront of
animals and promote public safety.
humane treatment of livestock, and these discussions which ensure that
In my work, I have seen the impact that ensuring food safety are all areas veterinary voices are heard in legislative
well-crafted policies can have on the where veterinary expertise can help chambers and that animals benefit from
animals in our community. Whether find common ground. Our work in our advocacy. By fostering collaboration
advocating for stronger pet protection policy aims to bridge the divide between between veterinarians, policymakers,
laws or ensuring that agricultural policies animal welfare advocates and agricultural and the public, I believe we can create a
support humane animal husbandry producers, seeking solutions that ensure legacy where animals are not only cared
practices, veterinarians bring evidence- the health and wellbeing of all species, for but also protected by thoughtful,
based insights into legislative discussions something that is a long-term goal of mine science-based laws. Through our work,
that make a tangible difference. For in this profession. we aim to help shape that future ֱ
one policy at a time.