The RVC has a rich history of developing partnerships which deliver high quality outputs for all stakeholders.

The RVC’s holistic approach to Knowledge Exchange combines basic, applied and clinical disciplines to examine and identify solutions to improve animal and human health and welfare. It does so through strategic partnerships with industry, academia and government agencies. These partnerships create interdisciplinary teams to focus on globally important challenges.


We work with universities both in the UK and globally to leverage the unique skills and resources available from each partner institution to deliver world-leading interdisciplinary research and Knowledge Exchange projects. Some examples are:

RVC expertise also supports diverse and advanced training programs including the  (Interdisciplinary Food Systems Teaching and Learning),  and the 

Government bodies and global health organisations

Our research has informed and shaped government policy both here in UK and how we can best support animal and human health research and investment overseas, working alongside partners including:

  • and many others

Example activities

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