Page 12 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026







Page 12 - Data and Digital Technology Strategy 2024-2026
P. 12


            2. Design and implement a roadmap leading to the effective  3. Establish a unifi ed data platform to improve strategic
                and appropriate use of digital technologies and AI                   decision making.

              2.1. Determine and classify      2.5. Unify the approach to       3.1 Onboard RVC data securely
               RVC data according to an          digital and physical asset        from multiple source systems
               agreed (by CEC on behalf of       management using effective        and services to a centralised
               the RVC) schema.                  technologies.                     cloud data platform.

             2.2. Conduct a data and           2.6. Support HR to design        3.2. Conduct a data capability
               technology review to document     and deliver and effective         assessment to assess the
               current state and desired state,   programme of data and            organisational maturity level in
               with a gap analysis.              technology training to embed      relation to data, establish the
             2.3. Consolidate existing          effective utilisation of digital   current issues and challenges,
               technology and reduce             technology                        and specify the relevant
               dependencies on single points    2.7. Complete roadmaps of         organisational objectives.
               of service.                       all major RVC technology         3.3. Establishment of data

             2.4. Documenting and mapping       ecosystems roadmaps to            asset inventory.
               the data and technology           enable future planning and       3.4. Establish data and
               architecture.                     investment decisions.             reporting capabilities to provide
                                                                                   a consistent institutional view.

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