Page 19 - International 2025-26







Page 19 - International 2025-26
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        AND LEARNING . . .

        TEACHING                            of animals. Underpinning research
                                            across these themes are animal welfare,
        Our Biological Sciences courses follow
        a ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥˜pathwayÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™ approach. This means    biomechanics, genetics, bioinformatics,
        that in your first year, you study a   pathology, epidemiology and public health.
        broad range of modules, providing you   On all of our BSc/MSci Biological Sciences
        with a fundamental understanding of   courses, you will undertake investigative
        biosciences. As you progress through your   projects in both the second and the third
        course, additional study options become   year. Students undertaking MSci courses
        available to you, culminating in a final year   will have their fourth year dedicated to
        investigative project. You will be able to   an extensive individual research project,
        choose from a wide variety of topics that   and a taught module in advanced
        are aligned to the research interests of   research methods. These research project
        the RVCÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s academic staff. Our blended   opportunities can be undertaken either
        learning approach combines on-campus   inside or outside the RVC.
        lecturers, practicals and interactive small
        group teaching, with additional material in   For details on Teaching and Assessment
        our virtual learning environment. Panopto   visit
        lecture capture software allows you to
        review lecture recordings in our virtual   BLENDED LEARNING
        learning environment, which can be
        useful for consolidation of your learning.  Our Biological Sciences courses are
                                            primarily delivered as in-person courses,
                                            with plenty of practicals and collaborative
                            RESEARCH        work. It includes a mix of teaching
                                            approaches, delivery modes and learner
                            Research makes
                            up a key part of   styles. The ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥˜blendÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™ can mean different
                            our biological   places for learning (onsite and digital),
                            sciences        different scheduling (synchronous and
        degrees. Our research is of the highest   asynchronous), different pace (class
        quality and has an impact on the health   and self-paced) and different types of
        and welfare of humans and animals   instruction (expert led, social/group,
        around the world. There are opportunities   peer and individual).
        to be involved in all aspects of research at   Find out more about what our
        the RVC and extends from the molecular   students say about blended learning
        level to the whole animal or population

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