Page 5 - ACT Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2023
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Sealife star gets a check-up
penguin Dr Joanna Hedley, Senior Lecturer in Exotic Species
at the RVC, explained,
CT is an invaluable tool
for penguins as their anatomy
can make the interpretation of
We were delighted to welcome a VIP (very important other diagnostics challenging.
penguin) to the RVC Small Animal Referrals Hospital
back in the Spring. Polly is a Gentoo penguin who lives Polly was a delightful patient
at the Sealife London Aquarium. Gentoos generally live and weÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™re really pleased that
to 15-20 years old in the wild but her wonderful care we were able to help her.
and environment at the aquarium has meant that Polly
has reached the grand old age of 28.
Unfortunately, just as when humans age, animals can also team is now monitoring her behaviour and activity for follow
start to experience health issues associated with old age up assessments and treatment.
and Sealife were concerned when Polly looked a little The CT machine was funded by the RVC Animal Care Trust
lame. After receiving an x-ray at the aquarium with their as part of the 30th birthday celebrations for the Small
vets, she came to the RVC where the specialist Exotics Animal Referrals Hospital and we are so grateful to our
Team decided to give her a CT scan to see what might be supporters for enabling us to purchase this cutting-edge
happening in her joints.
equipment. The RVC is very proud to work with Sealife
PollyÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s CT showed some new bone formation in her leg London and other organisations focused on conservation
joints which would indicate mild osteoarthritis. The Sealife like ZSL London Zoo. We are always excited to welcome
team took her home and she soon settled back in with her our more exotic patients to the hospital and in recent times
colony of 15 penguins and started a mild flirtation with this has included sea turtles, an anteater, a boa constrictor
another penguin called Loki. The aquariumÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s husbandry and even a tiger cub.
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