Page 7 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2021







Page 7 - Paws and Hooves - Autumn 2021
P. 7


        The gift of sight ֱ

        Spotify the horse

                  ast year the ACT launched an appeal to raise funds for a brand-new ophthalmology
           L       microscope for the RVCֱs Small Animal Referrals Hospital. The existing microscope was
                   still fully functioning but the new one was much more effective for smaller eyes. This meant
                   the RVC was able to move the older microscope to its Equine Referral Hospital enabling
        them to perform delicate eye surgeries on horses for the first time.

                                             went to see Spotify one morning     After two weeks he was able to
                                             in February, his eye was closed     go home.
                                            and incredibly painful, and the
                                             specialist RVC ophthalmology        Spotify has now fully recovered
                                             team found a penetrating            and enjoys being back in
                                            corneal injury that required         training. Maria commented,
                                            emergency surgery.
                                                                                ֱSpotifyֱs eye is
                                            With the help of the equine          comfortable and has
                                            Internal Medicine, Anaesthesia       great vision. We are
                                            and Nursing Teams, Spotifyֱs
                                             surgery was completed within        incredibly grateful for the
                                             six hours of diagnosis. He          help of the whole RVC
                                             had corneal microsurgery that       team and the Animal
                                             was only possible because of
                                             the newly installed operating       Care Trust for providing
                                             microscope. A 2mm donor             the fantastic operating
                                            graft was placed to seal the         microscope for the
                                            defect and a conjunctival graft
                                             to provide vascularisation          Equine Hospital. Without
        The microscope was installed in                                          this amazing teamwork
        the Equine Hospital in January      and speed the healing
        just in time to help Spotify, a      process. Fortunately, Spotify       Spotify would have most
        beautiful 6-year-old German          recovered well from the general     likely lost his eye.ֱ
        Warmblood described by his          anaesthetic and the RVC Equine
        owner Maria as ֱan absolute         Nursing Team and the students
        dream dressage horse, hacking       on rotation lovingly cared for
        buddy and friend.ֱ When Maria        him during his hospitalisation.

        Paws & Hooves Autumn 2021                                                                               7
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