Page 44 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024







Page 44 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2024
P. 44

A remarkable journey

              in veterinary science and beyond

              Sharon Redrobe, BVetMed 1994

                     ince graduating from the RVC   Sharonֱs early days at the RVC were   Her initial foray into academia saw
                     in 1994, Sharon Redrobe has   distinguished by her leadership as    Sharon lecturing on zoo and exotic
                     charted a remarkable career   the Student Union President, a role    animal medicine at various UK
             Spath, marked by her unwavering      in which she demonstrated her passion    universities. She quickly established
              dedication to veterinary science,   for community building and advocacy.   herself as a knowledgeable and
              education, and conservation. Her journey,  After obtaining her degree, she   passionate educator, inspiring countless
              from her Studentsֱ Union activity to    embarked on a career that would see    students to pursue careers in the
              an influential figure in the world    her become one of the most respected   specialised field of zoo and exotic
              of zoo medicine and business,       zoo veterinarians in the UK.       animal care.
              is nothing short of inspirational.

                                                                  Sharon, Vet Advisor for the European (EAZA) Great Ape Breeding
                                                                  programme at Bristol Zoo

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