Page 64 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 64
Class of 1973 Golden Reunion
John Sauvage
he end of our reunion on I was trying to track down Gordon when Higgins for his book ֱWith the SAS and
Hawkshead Campus on Saturday I found a reference to his practice in a Other Animalsֱ and my ֱAutobiologyֱ,
25th March came round quickly Brighton newspaper archive and there was both still available on Amazon or through
Tand we gathered in the Buttery for a picture of his practice nurses unveiling any good book shop.
a delicious afternoon tea and photographs a defibrillator at his surgery in memory of After we left the lecture hall, we had the
and to say farewell to some who couldnֱt Gordon, who had suffered a fatal heart most fantastic lunch before dividing into
stay for the evening reception, including attack there the year before. groups and touring the new campus
our guest of honour Professor Peter Lees, Finally, I had an accurate email list of the facilities including the Queen Mother
who had taught us Pharmacology and year and being a hoarder, I had several of Hospital for Animals, Equine Hospital and
was still only a little older than us.
our examination papers, so I started sending the Clinical Skills Centre, escorted by
How on earth had such a fantastic day them as a teaser announcing the upcoming very knowledgeable and charming student
come about? Well, mainly thanks to the resits at the RVC reunion, including Pete ambassadors. There is certainly a fine
RVC; its Alumni Team and the very active Lees who had agreed to talk to us. balance struck by the RVC because, in
Principal Stuart Reid. Yes, the day was The day finally arrived, and it was fantastic spite of the massively advanced medical
whizzing by, but it had been two years in the to bump into familiar faces, thanks to two diagnostics and surgical facilities on
making ֱ well, to be more accurate, it had regional lunches in Kenilworth, organised offer, it was obvious from our discussion
been in the making since 1968 when most by Geoff & Gill Thorpe, and Taunton, with those final year students that the
of us arrived at the RVC and culminated in organised by Neil & Liz Rudram, and old adage is still true: ֱBecause it can be
March 1973 when again the majority of us some not so ֱfamiliarֱ ones. 33 members done does not necessarily mean it should
qualified. So, it was agreed by a few of my of the year attended, mostly with their be doneֱ and according to the charming
year whom I was still in touch with that we partners, making a group more than 60. and helpful future members of our
should have another reunion and like the profession this truism is also now taught.
last one 15 years earlier, it would be at the It was easier to recognise faces thanks The Manor Hotel Elstree put up with
RVCֱs Hawkshead Campus. As organiser to name badges organised by Alan & some of us the Friday night and most of
of the previous event, it fell to me to make Avys Bartram, featuring photos from our the group were there for the Saturday
this fantasy a reality. RVC files formulated in 1968. The faces, evening dinner, where we were joined by
hairstyles and features may have changed,
My first job was to track down the missing but the year members had not changed in Stuart Reid, who hosted the reception.
members of the year. Originally the list of spirit or personalities. Rolland Greenhill, The year promptly reverted to type after
ֱmissingֱ was far greater than the email who was one of those who joined late 50 years and enjoyed the hotel bar,
contact list I had and expanding the to the year, has always said what a kind, whilst the hotel staff and I worked on the
contact list is not easy in an era of data generous well integrated group we were, logistics and seating arrangements.
protection, maiden names and RCVS even though we had come from every I am now looking forward to catching
deregistered retirees. The worst and stratum of society and all parts of the UK up with at least a few attendees at the
saddening part of the ֱmissingֱ list was plus a few from overseas. launch of Peter Lees book ֱA Hero for
tracking down who is now deceased. all Timesֱ but hopefully we can all get
The loss of Gordon ֱJakeֱ Richards, The day rapidly went into fast forward to the RVC in Camden Town in the next
Roger Baker and Annabel Aldiss, who all with an introductory lecture on the couple of years, but we had better make
attended the previous reunion, was tragic. RVC by Adrian Boswood and a great it sooner rather than later.
Annabel was one of the first on my list, but presentation by Peter Lees, who gave a
at the time her health was deteriorating. joint Book of the Year award to Andrew