Page 56 - Eclipse - Autumn/Winter 2023
P. 56
Pursuing my interest in One Health
Mattia Begovoeva (MSc in Veterinary Epidemiology, 2022)
s a life sciences and nature transboundary disease control Programme of the European College of
enthusiast, I became a programmes and contributed to the Veterinary Public Health. In the future,
veterinarian with the aim of development of training resources and I hope to be able to apply more and
Acontributing to ecosystem scientific events. more epidemiology to the field of wildlife
conservation and improving wildlife health. The mix of scientific, managerial, and population health.
This led me to collaborate with teams public outreach activities complemented In a rapidly changing world, climate
of veterinarians, biologists, naturalists, my prior research experience, showing change, pollution, habitat loss and
laboratory technicians, and even experts me how the latest scientific advances can fragmentation, urbanisation, biodiversity
in communication and economics.
be translated into successful international loss, development of drug resistance
I learned the importance of using cooperation programmes. It was there and several other factors are driving
an interdisciplinary approach in that I was lucky enough to find mentors, the emergence of infectious diseases
disease management and biodiversity supportive colleagues, and sincere threatening both animal and human
conservation, and realised how friends. However, I felt the necessity to health. Understanding the mechanisms
closely human health, animal health strengthen my technical background. underlying those phenomena is crucial
and the environment are linked. This In late 2022, I began working as a for preventing pathogen spread without
fostered my interest in One Health, researcher within the epidemiology harming ecosystems.
an interdisciplinary framework to unit of the Istituto Zooprofilattico I am convinced that epidemiology
be employed when tackling health Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e can give a substantial contribution to
and environmental issues and Valle DÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™Aosta, an Italian public health disentangling some of these complex
even when attempting to preserve institute. This is where I now study relationships. Veterinary epidemiologists
natural ecosystems and increase the disease dynamics in the complex find themselves in a fortunate position,
sustainability of our livelihoods.
systems arising from the interplay of as they can bridge life sciences and
All my experiences have been livestock, wildlife, and their shared statistical analysis to facilitate the design
characterised by the need to design environment in Europe and Africa. of effective solutions. The road ahead will
studies, analyse data, and interpret Along this journey, I found that require all our creativity and cooperation.
results to provide quantitative evidence epidemiology and population
to drive effective health interventions.
medicine are sometimes perceived
This is why I chose to specialise in as unexciting areas of study,
epidemiology, and I was fortunate populated by hostile statistical
enough to attend the RVC MSc in formulas and dull data processing. I
Veterinary Epidemiology with the support must admit that this is not an entirely
of the RVC Postgraduate Bursary Award. inaccurate description! But entering
This course brings together two research these fields has given me the chance
institutions populated by experts with to become part of a multicultural and
a variety of backgrounds, offering a inclusive network of professionals
wide array of tools to develop original engaged in a surprisingly wide range
solutions to complex population medicine of activities across the globe, all
issues. The focus is consistently on united by the goal of enhancing the
developing critical thinking and creative health of their communities. I learnt
application of knowledge. that what really makes a difference
is to be open to exchanges with
The expertise gained through the
MSc enabled me to join the European inspiring colleagues met along the
Commission for the Control of Foot- way and to cultivate the growing
and-Mouth Disease, based at the Animal network of personal and professional
Production and Health Division of the relationships that this generates.
Food and Agriculture Organization of I am now preparing the application
the United Nations, where I supported for admission to the Resident Training