Page 40 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021







Page 40 - Eclipse - Autumn 2021
P. 40


        Graduation to Olympic Games in 2021

        Greig Elliott (2021)

        Attending the Olympic Games at Tokyo 2020 was the fulfilment of a lifelong ambition,

        and to be part of the support staff that contributed to the first team gold medal for 49
        years was an incredible experience.

               he journey began in 2000 when   I was only 21 years old when I qualified   The interest and experience in eventing
               I commenced my apprenticeship  and was in no rush to set up my   led to me being offered the role as
               in Bedfordshire, but the dream   business, so I remained with my boss   Podium Farrier for British Equestrian
        Tbegan a long time before. The      for another two years whilst gaining   as part of the World Class Programme,
        apprenticeship scheme at that time was   more experience and competing in   which I joined in 2016. The role requires
        four years and two months long. This   national shoeing competitions.   travelling to Championships with the
        time was predominately spent with my                                    senior team offering farriery support.
        approved training farrier (ATF), where   When the time came, I decided   Although the support is ongoing
        the majority of practical and hands   to begin my shoeing practice in   throughout the year, I do not regularly
        on skills were learnt. Block release   Wiltshire. My client base grew, and   shoe all of the horses. We work closely
        college attendance was taken twice   performance horses quickly became   with the home teams to have an
        a year, learning in-depth anatomy and   my focus. Since 2007, I have been   understanding of the individual horses,
        exam techniques, culminating in the   looking after horses and clients   so if they are selected for a team I can
        final exams; one practical test and a   competing at five-star level. To date,   continue their good work. We are very
        theory exam. After passing the exams, I
        became a registered farrier and hold the   I have shod horses for London 2012,   fortunate to have very conscientious and
        Diploma of the Worshipful Company of   Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020.         helpful home teams.
        Farriers (DipWCF).

         All four of the team doing arena
         familiarisation in the main arena

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