Page 55 - eclipse - Autumn 2018
P. 55
I wish someone had told me how difficult it could be to get a new graduate job
in the London area and that it wasnÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™t
a reflection on me! Most difficult eight months locuming as a nurse and a very cheap locum vet in order to pay rent!!! It very nearly made me not want to be a vet.
Get as much spay and neuter surgical experience before you graduate as possible! Having good tissue handling and comfort with the basics is a huge help!
90% of lameness is pus in foot or cellulitis not ddft sdft tears or fractures or
Keep mouth closed and head to one side when expressing anal glands...
Baby wipes in the car are a farm vetÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s best friend, for when your face is covered in blood and you donÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™t know till you look in the rear view mirror. Also for the blood that is on the backs of your arms that again you donÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™t notice until it starts to itch. So much glam!!
How tired I was!!!!!!! But I wouldnÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™t change my job for the whole world.
Common things are common........
Not every horse with colic has an impaction or twisted gut, often itÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s just trapped wind!
1/ bitches come into season every seven months. 2/ worm puppies every two weeks until 12 weeks old then monthly to six months.
In all honesty, I think between my course and the placements, I was pretty well prepared for my first nursing job...
manica tears etc....
For the large animal/equine vets - carry a clean change of clothes in the car with you! IÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™ve come a cropper when a horse has a nosebleed and decides to sneeze in your direction. Your next clients might not appreciate ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥˜the lookÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™!
However I do think more emphasis could be put on bereavement training, how to conduct a pts, what to say and how to generally cope with this situation and support the owners. I feel this would be of benefit to vets and nurses during their studies.