Page 45 - Eclipse - Autumn 2015
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The RVC needs YOU
The RVC Animal Care Trust is the CollegeÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s charity and has been raising funds for RVC projects and activities since
the early 80s all aimed at improving the lives of animals. Recent examples of projects we have funded can be found throughout this magazine but also include cutting edge ultrasonography equipment for the hospitals, teaching equipment like the BreedÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™n Betsy and the new garden at Hawkshead for our hospital clients. You can support us in a number of ways from taking part in events to buying clothing, cards or gifts from our online shop (we have a fantastic range for Christmas. If youÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™d like further information please call us on 01707 666237 or e-mail or visit our website
Get active for animals!
Help the ACT continue its important work and improve your tness at the same time by taking on the challenge of an organised sporting event. The ACT has guaranteed places
in various events throughout the year, including the Virgin London Marathon, the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon and Prudential RideLondon - Surrey 100.
Join team RVC ACT and weÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™ll support you in the following ways:
ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¢ A fundraising pack full of hints, tips and inspiration.
ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¢ A branded top to wear during your fundraising and your
ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¢ Full support from the ACT team.
ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¢ Additional fundraising materials on request.
If you already have your own place in an event, why not raise funds for the ACT and help us help even more animals? So if you have a desire to do something challenging for a great cause please get in touch today.
Shop to save lives
The ACTÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s catalogue contains great products and itÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s easy to shop online with just a few clicks, 24 hours a day! Whether you buy greetings cards, RVC branded clothing and gifts, or gifts for the family and friends (both two legged and four!), you can rest assured every penny of pro t goes towards supporting the work of the RVC and its hospitals. UK postage and packaging is just £2.95 per order.
The printed ACT Christmas catalogue will be available from mid-September - if you do not usually receive a copy and would like one please call us on the above number.
2015 Thank You telephone campaign - thanks to our amazing alumni
Donations from alumni to the RVCÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s Annual Fund improve student life at the RVC in a wide variety of ways. A group of ten current RVC students enjoyed speaking to more than 200 of our generous alumni donors earlier this year about exactly how their donations are making a big difference to current and future students.
From mental health and wellbeing initiatives, to providing hardship
grants for students in nancial need,
our alumni really are looking after the next generation of RVC students and enabling them to have the best university experience possible.
During the calls the students also enjoyed hearing about life at the RVC in
years gone by and what RVC alums have gone on to achieve in their careers.
We were thrilled and so very grateful that many of our previous supporters were happy to donate to the Annual Fund again this year, raising another £1,500 towards College initiatives. It was also fantastic to receive offers of assistance from alumni to help with interviewing prospective students and promoting the RVC far and wide as an RVC Ambassador.
A BIG thank you to everyone who has donated already, and for those that would like more information on donating to the Annual Fund or offering assistance with College initiatives please contact us on 01707 666237 or