Contents tagged with vet
31 Canine Mitral Valve Disease and Congestive Heart Failure
In this podcast, Adrian Boswood of the RVCÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™s Small Animal Cardiac referral service reviews mitral ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦
30 The Cytoskeleton and Molecular Motors in Health and Disease
Professor Peter Chantler describes the protein structures that make up the skeleton of living cells ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦
29 The LIVE Centre and VetConnect
In our latest podcast, Dr Kim Whittlestone and Jeff Bullock describe the role of the Lifelong ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦
28 Dietary Fatty Acids and Fertility of Humans and Animals
WeÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥™re constantly told that too much fat in our diet is bad for the health of ourselves and our ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦
27 Pathogen Evasion of The Immune System and Animal Disease
In the latest RVC podcast, Professor Dirk Werling describes the importance of the Innate Immune ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦
26 Elephant Locomotion
Dr John Hutchinson describes his high tech approaches to investigating the mechanics of how animals ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦
25 The Role of Mitochondria in Health and Disease
Mitochondria are cell organelles which play a critical role in energy supply in most higher ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦
24 Syringomyelia in Dogs
Syringomyelia is a serious inherited disease which affects the nervous system of Cavalier King ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦
23 Epilepsy in Dogs
Fits in your four-legged friend can be a very distressing presentation for owner and vet alike. But ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦
22 Deer Antlers and Tissue Regeneration
I'm sure everyone has stopped to admire the impressive sight of a stag during the rut. But what is ÐÂÔÂÖ±²¥¦